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Schedule of talks

Monday June, 22. Amphi Astier, Bâtiment Esclangon.

13:00. Welcome. Refreshments.

14:00-15:00. M. Kapovich: character varieties of 3-manifolds groups-I (slides)

15:15-16:15. A. Goncharov: The second motivic Chern class and its applications to geometry of threefolds.

16:15-16:45. Break.

16:45-17:45. C. Zickert :  coordinates of characters varieties I

Tuesday June, 23. Amphi Herpin, Bâtiment Esclangon.

9:00-9:30. N. Dunfield: A gentle introduction to SnapPy

9:30-10:00. Break. Refreshments.

10:00-11:00. V. Fock: Discrete geometries and character varieties.

11:15-12:15. A. Lozzi: Bounded cohomology, volumes and rigidity I


14:00-15:00. A. Guilloux: coordinates for character varieties II (slides)

15:15-16:15. M. Kapovich: character varieties of 3-manifolds groups-II (slides)

16:15-16:45. Break.

16:45-17:45. N. Dunfield: software session.

Wednesday June, 24. Amphi Herpin, Bâtiment Esclangon.

9:00-9:30. M. Goerner: software presentation

9:30-10:00. Break. Refreshments.

10:00-11:00. M. Bucher: Bounded cohomology, volumes and rigidity II

11:15-12:15. I. Kim: Local rigidity of lattices


14:00-15:00. M. Deraux: Geometric structures I

15:15-16:15. H. Gangl: Bloch group

16:15-16:45. Break.

16:45-17:45. M. Goerner and P.-V. Koseleff and F. Rouillier : Computer Algebra.

19:00. Dinner and Cruise Tour.

Meeting point at Quai-Saint-Bernard (escale Batobus) at 19.00! More informations here.

Thursday, June, 25. Amphi Herpin, Bâtiment Esclangon.

9:00-10:00. M. Deraux: geometric structures II

10h-10h30. Break. Refreshments.

10:30-11:30. Bonahon : The drill-baby-drill strategy

11:45-12:45. S. Garoufalidis: (to be announced)

Friday, June, 26. Amphi Herpin, Bâtiment Esclangon.

9:00-9:30. N. Dunfield (to be announced)

9:30. Break. Refreshments.

10:00-11:00. J. Porti: SL(3,C)-character variety for the figure eight knot

11:15-12:15. S. Tillmann: Tropical geometry, essential surfaces and the character variety


14:00-15:00. M. Thistlethwaite: Computing deformed representations of manifold groups

15:15-16:15. N. Dunfield : software session

16:15-16:45. Break.

16:45-17:45. Gilles and M. Goerner and P.-V. Koseleff and F. Rouillier : software session.